Oktoberfest 2023
Saint Peter Church, the Altar and Rosary Society, and the Conneautville Knights of Columbus will be holding an Octoberfest on Saturday, September 30, 2023 from 5:00 PM until 10:00 PM. Admission is $20 per person, $35 per couple. Admission includes food and drink. Please mark your calendars and join us for this annual event.
- Polka Music
- Polka Dancing
- Square Dancing
- Ethnic Foods
- Soft Drinks
- Beer & Wine
Live Polka Music
Joe Matczak Orchestra 6PM - 9PM
View Oktoberfest PDF Poster
Here are the contacts for people looking to help with the Oktoberfest:
- Volunteers
- Jerry Teed 587-3266
- Food
- Diane Mead 282-8520